6 digital tools to streamline your fleet operations 

Many transport companies struggle to have control over how their vehicles are used. It becomes a time-consuming process that is hard to prioritize, which means that possible management improvements go unnoticed. We also see increased demands for route planning, which, alongside today’s complex regulations, creates difficulties in building a great strategy.  So, what’s the end […]

What is a tachograph? 

As a Fleet Manager or Owner, you know how difficult it is to have full control of your fleet and optimize your business. There’s often a lot of administrative work that needs to be done and at the same time we have the high fuel costs, which creates financial hurdles.  Would you like to create […]

Meet GSFleet at Elmia Lastbil August 21–24 

Would you like to meet us at our booth D03:57? Schedule 15 mins with us here.  GSFleet is attending Elmia Lastbil in Jönköping August 21-24, and one of our representatives will be our Sales Director Allan Thomsen. To prepare for the event, we decided to ask him a couple of questions.  The Elmia fair is […]

Varastettu Range Rover Sport löytyi parkkihallista

Varastettu Range Rover Sport, jonka arvo oli 50 000 euroa ja joka oli peräisin vuodelta 2015, löydettiin Göteborgissa sijaitsevasta parkkihallista etsintäryhmämme ja kehittyneen radioteknologian ansiosta.

Hiilifoorumi 2023

Tänä vuonna GSGroupilla oli tilaisuus osallistua Novo Nordisk -säätiön CO2-tutkimuskeskuksen toiseen vuosittaiseen Carbon Forum -tapahtumaan, jonka teemana oli ”Accelerating Carbon Innovation Through Technology Learning”.

Hi there,

Notice something new? GSGroup is now GSFleet. Take a look at our brand new website. Hope you like it.